10 Tips when Schengen Visa to Denmark may be Refused
With the current guidelines in place in assessing visa application for foreign nationals who wish to get a Schengen Visa for Denmark, there are certain considerations wherein, immigration authorities will look into, to arrive for a possible approval or refusal of your Schengen visa application. This is in conjunction for Part 4 of the Visa Executive Order and in accordance with the guidelines of processing visa application, and in connection as to what a foreign national belongs to a certain group (Main Group 1 to Main Group 5, as identified by the immigration authorities – noting main groups 3, (substantial risk ) 4 and 5, posed higher immigration risk to Denmark, therefore, it is likely that assessment for their Schengen visa application, is more astringent, as compare for those main groups in 1 & 2 – though, individual assessment on its own merits application is the practice of the immigration authorities( Case Officer) who will handle their application accordingly.
Here are some grounds for the refusal of your Schengen Visa for Denmark, in accordance with the ruling of the Visa Code.
- When an applicant provides fraudulent, forged, counterfeit , travel documents – this may result for you to have a ban for Denmark for a period of 3 or 5 years
- If you are unable to elucidated your purpose and conditions to stay temporarily in Denmark
- If there is no enough proof of “ subsistence” – the proof of subsistence will be determine in relation to your purpose of stay and duration, this will be verified by the immigration authorities. For what the guidelines stipulates regarding proof of subsistence upon entry to Denmark, a foreign national must have in possession of DKK 500 per day, if (s) he intends to stay in a hotel or DKK 350 if (s)he intentionally will stay in a hostel or similar. Furthermore, a lesser/smaller amount will also be considered if the accommodation has already been paid for or if the accommodation is privately offered and will be shouldered by the host in Denmark. In addition to this, the sources of the proof of financial resources must be credible enough for his/her possession.
- If a foreign national has already stayed in the Schengen countries for 90 days within the current period of 180 days, on the basis of Schengen visa or visa with limited territorial validity.
- If the alien is a person for whom an alert has been issued in the Schengen Information System (SIS II) for the purpose of refusing entry;
- If the alien is considered to be a threat to the Schengen countries’ public policy, internal security, public health or international rela-tions, in particular where an alert has been issued in the Schengen countries’ national databases for the purpose of refusing entry on the same grounds;
7. If the alien does not provide proof of holding an adequate and valid travel medical insurance, where applicable
- If there are reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the support-ing documents submitted by the applicant or the veracity of their contents, the reliability of the statements made by the applicant;
- If there are reasonable doubts as to the alien’s intention to leave the Schengen countries before the expiration of the visa applied for; or
- if the alien has applied for a visa at the border, but has not provided sufficient proof that it has not been possible to apply for a visa in advance.
- Please note, paragraph number (2) and (7), do not applies to Aliens covered by the EU rules
The overall assessment of your Shengen visa application for Denmark, will also take into consideration as to how strong your ties in your home country and any relevant circumstances provided by an applicant which may or may not significant to your application , that there is no doubts that at the end of his/her visa, (s) he will leave /depart from the Schengen States. Did your visa application for Denmark was turned down by Danish Immigration Authorities and wanting to reapply ? For your tourist visa or residence permit (accompanying family member), or family reunification . Check out our reapplication process.
Source: The Visa Executive Order (March 2015)
For assistance on your Schengen visa application for Denmark, Residence Permit ( Accompanying Family member) or Family Reunification application . Contact Visa Online Assistance at info@visaonlineassistance.com or visit https://www.visaonlineassistance.com for more information.