Best 11 Tips to Review your Refused Study Permit Application in Canada
Reviewing the Reapplication of Study Permit in Canada

Yes, surprisingly after doing yourself application for a study permit application, you were refused! How this has had happened, you followed the document checklist, you completed the application for study permit, you paid the correct fee, you’ve submitted your study plan, and presented significant documents as to determine your financial capability, your ties in your country/Canada are all disclosed with the support of documents and lastly you claim to return in your home country after the completion of your propose studies in Canada.
We had been receiving many inquiries from overseas, to name a few from India, Singapore, Lebanon, Pakistan, Uganda, Egypt, Srilanka, South Africa & Nigeria, – most of their grounds refusal falls in the generic refusal on the factors of, purpose of visit, ties in home country & in Canada, employment prospect , immigration status of country of resident & assets and financial status, among others. They of course would want to know the reasons as to why the visa officer has ticked x, for a purpose of visit, the immigration status of country of resident & assets and financial status – in considering to resubmit their study permit application. We often ask what you have provided onto your first instance of an application. Noting the visa officer (s) would not give and will never give specific details of the refusal letter, that influenced him/her to arrive with such decision, therefore for the reapplication of an individual who would try to relodge/resubmit the refused study permit application would have been difficult to achieve the success if:
- You don’t have the copies of the documents you’ve supplied to the visa office and the completed application form(s) as per document checklist
- If you go back to your first application and review each of the information you have provided onto your application form(s), has there any error(s) on it?
- Is your documents are credible enough for the visa officer to consider and no doubts whatsoever that may lead his/her decision to grant or refuse your application? Examples such as an employment certificate(s), where not secured with the official letter head of the company and could not verified by the visa office, bank statements whereby client’s name applying for the visa could not be seen,
- Bank certificate, where the amount balance could not even account to explain the resource or additional funding made by the applicant from a family member or relative or third party(s), and that unable to establish the relationship
- Have you address one of the areas of concerns of the visa officer that, you are a bonafide student?
- Are you able to supply enough of evidence of documents to demonstrate your ties in your country of resident/citizenship? That no matter after the completion of your propose studies you won’t remain in Canada
- If you are granted a scholarship funding, where you able to address how you been qualified and what are the governing conditions in granting such scholarship to you?
- A sound submission letter addressing your concerns in your previous refusal in detail supported with facts not with assumption; after knowing the “notes of the visa officer” as per access on (ATIP) Access to Information and Privacy
- Your personal circumstances have changed and yet, you have not provided additional information, outside or within the country you intend to submit your application
- A simple error(s) to your completed application form(s) and or a lacking documents (depending on your individual circumstances), would invite the visa officer to refused your application, therefore if you are unsure of doing it yourself on your 1st application to submit a study permit application to study in Canada, ask a second opinion or review again the totality of your application
- If you are clueless to your refused application of a study permit in Canada? Yet, you wanted to know what the visa officer has specifically addressed it concerns in arriving to tick the x generic refusal , stated on your refusal letter, for better arming yourself, of what you should do and provide for the reapplication to study in Canada? Here’s how, you can access a request for such “specific information of the concerns of notes from the visa officer, which lead your application being refused. Only you would pay a certain fee to process your request for the Access of Information Act or Privacy Act and would take about 30 working days before you could get the information electronically or via emailed, here’s the link to check who qualify to request and apply online But with Visa Online Assistance our Immigration and Visa Analyst, could identify those “notes”, when getting and reviewing your refused study permit to Canada. We have had a numbers of approval of successful reapplication of study permit to Canada, click here for 3 steps process of reapplication by Visa Online Assistance.
Contact Visa Online Assistance for your study permit application in Canada at or visit for more information.
Visa Online Assistance has helped clients from the Philippines, Srilanka, Singapore, Egypt, South Africa. Uganda, India and Pakistan to name a few, in reapplying and obtaining an approval of their refused application or first application be approved! We’ve assisted also clients from : New Zealand for PR application approval, Australia for a temporary visa, among many other types of visa in Europe – Schengen Visa and Residence Permit (family ties) in Denmark . We look forward to assisting you with your visa application.