Canada Work Permit Successful Reapplication with Visa Online Assistance

She is from Ozamis City Philippines and got our services from one of her friends’ recommendations and from there, she immediately engaged to our services. She had been assisted by a certain Licensed Immigration for Canada based in Alberta, at that time she thought of getting her working permit approval, but unfortunately after two (2) attempts she was refused on the ground below:
- “• Your current employment situation does not show that you are financially established in your country of residence.
- • You have limited employment possibilities in your country of residence.
- • You were not able to demonstrate that you will be able to adequately perform the work you seek”
When we took her case to reapply, we strongly believed that as per job offer she has offered to work in Canada, in relation to the NOC description as“ Store Sales Supervisor” which the licensed agent who had assisted her has failed to emphasize and used certain words, on her letter that may appear “red flags” to the eyes of the Visa/Immigration offer and that, we can honestly say that without accessing her GMC Notes AND by just looking at on her previous supporting documents and information submitted first hand – we then fully understand what went wrong to her work permit applications.
We wrote a six (6) pages reapplication letter to argue her case and rebutted previous refusal ground as stated above, today we she got her work permit approval to working in Canada, and she almost had a teary eyes when we are talking in congratulating her.
Congratulations Viddi Fajardo from Ozamis City, Philippines on the approval of your work permit application in Canada.
For your visa application assistance to apply, reapply or appeal, send us an email at or call our WhatsApp +63 905 257 6013 (by appointment only) or visit for more information.
Thank you!