Super Visa In Canada
This Super visa is only for the parent and grand parent of a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident who want to visit to Canada on a temporary basis, an applicant’s dependent/s for this type of visa is not eligible to apply nor included in the application for the Super Parent and Grand Parent Visa; the visa validity is up to 10 years and holder my visit their family in Canada up to 2 years without the need in renewing it – as we all know this is an alternative visa type of which the parent and grandparent may apply to enter, travel, live and be with their family or relative in Canada on a temporary basis and not to remain in Canada.
As the parent and grand parent of a Canadian Citizen or permanent residents, it does not give an automatic rights in granting the super parent and grandparent visa for those who would wish to apply; as the visa officer will assess accordingly the eligibility criteria of a parent and grandparents’ child or grandchild’ financial capability for the support or welfare of the holder while staying in Canada- noting that they cannot access the medical benefits of Canada as they are only on a temporary visa, having this said it is a prerequisite also for the applicant of Super Visa to provide for a medical insurance for 1 year in Canada, while a child or grandchild has to meet certain income requirement to concur for the financial support respectively.
Minimum Income Threshold
CIC has recently provided the table as of January 1, to December 31, 2015 to determine the eligibility of the child or grandchild’s income requirement as per criteria depending on the individual circumstances; however this table will give you an idea if you meet the minimum income prerequisite to qualify.
Low Income Cut-Off (LICO)
Size of Family Unit | Minimum necessary income |
1 person (your child or grandchild) | $23,861 |
2 persons | $29,706 |
3 persons | $36,520 |
4 persons | $44,340 |
5 persons | $50,290 |
6 persons | $56,718 |
7 persons | $63,147 |
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add | $6,429 |
Other Factors that may consider
Before an applicant submits the application at the consulate office remember that the visa officer will also check the genuineness of your visit in Canada- and you should demonstrate and convince them through the material of evidence of documents that are credible in level in establishing a strong ties in your country of residence such as; but not limited to the following:
The purpose of your visit – Be straight forward and honest regarding the ‘purpose’ of your visit in Canada, entail as necessary on your submission letter or covering letter re your ‘claim’ as to why you need to visit Canada.
Applicant’s ties in your country of residence – Provide as much as you have the evidence of documents that explicitly addresses your strong motivation to return to your country of your residence and not to stay permanently in Canada, depending on your individual circumstances.
Applicant’s family and financial situation – If you are a retired private employee, government retiree, or currently working or running a business, or family business or receiving any pension, investment property or any means of cash allotment each month you are receiving or if you have held any time deposit, or property (this may vary according to your current and individual circumstances).
Invitation from Canadian Host- An invitation letter confirming that the ‘host’ (child or grandchild of a parent and grant parent) will provide for the financial support for the holder of Super Parent and Grand Parent Visa in Canada.
When the applicant for Super Parent Visa submits the application he/she is also to require a medical examination and visa officer will scrutinize all the in formations and documents being provided by the applicant. Contact Visa Online Assistance www.visaonlineassistance.com to assist you with your Super Parent and Grand Parent Visa in Canada or email us at info@visaonlineassistance.com for more information.