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When your Entry Visa Application to Travel in Italy may be Refused

Entry Visa For Italy

If you intend to submit your application to travel  in Italy there are certain requirements you need to supply [complete] with your submission, otherwise if not it may attract a possible refusal to your application.  This is in relation to Article 4 – Admission to enter Italian Territory, as under paragraph 3Foreigners cannot be admitted to Italy if they do not satisfy these requirements” (see more on section 1 of the provisions on the matter of immigration) and therefore, if you submitted incomplete information or evidentiary documents as prerequisite in applying for an entry visa for Italy you may receive a refusal, as example below:


Proof of sufficient means of subsistence

  • The immigration officer must be satisfied that the money or the financial resources you have included to your application, should have been legally obtained e.g, from work, business or from your sponsor(s). It is also needed that financial resources would cover entirely the duration of your visit to Italy OR In the event that you also want to travel to other Schengen member, they would also assess if the financial resources are enough to cover your entire visit or stay including expenses in returning home to your country of resident; otherwise, if they are not satisfied on the basis of “sufficient resources”, expect that your application for a visa will get refused

Purpose of applying for an entry visa and conditions of intended stay was not reliable

  • This ground is more common for those applicants who have not provided a “clear purpose” as to why they are seeking an entry visa for Italy. Although, writing a cover letter which will outline everything about your application and itineraries, but if it is just simply a letter with lip service  and not supported with a credible documents in support for  your intention to apply for an entry visa; again immigration officer may have the  doubts on your application; and then refused your entry visa application to travel in Italy

Intention to leave of the territory of the Member States before the expire of your visa could not be ascertained

  • This is much broader to understand more so, if you are employed and you have the strong family ties to your country of resident. There are many factors as to why they arrive for this ground to refused your entry visa application to travel in Italy, these could be the following:
  1. the status of your employment e.g, your salary, years of service, the credibility of your working certificate provided to them, among other factors in relation to demonstrate your economic ties or assets and financial status
  2. if you are not able to established that, there are many motivations for you to return home and not to remain or stay longer in Shengen States before the expiration of your entry visa
  3. Remember they are solely reliant for the information and evidentiary documents you have supplied and so as the interview – if any

In addition to ‘general’ grounds of refusal which is likely similar with the other Schengen States as below:

  • If you are considered as treat to the public order or national security or the international relations of the Contracting parties under the Italian law or law  of another Schengen State
  • If you are registered and identified at the Schengen Information System (SIS)
  • If you have provided a fraudaulent documents
  • If there is an indications in the view of the immigration officer that you intend not to leave the Schengen States before your entry visa expires

Avoid any pit to your application for an Entry Visa in Italy, let us help to assist reviewing your application before you hit the wall of the consulate embassy for Italy- if you feel you are in doubt or not confident about the success of your application. Contact Visa Online Assistance at for more information. Or if you have been refused, you can either appeal (this requires an immigration lawyer from Italy) and would take sometime to have it processed, though, reapply to your refused entry visa in Italy  is another options.