Each applicant who intend to study in France, must apply for a long term visa “D” type at France Consulate Office to your country of resident or citizenship. Taking into consideration the requirements and procedures may differ from one country to another, although online application is available for such France visa application. While, it is the French diplomatic or consular authorities which would process your application for an entry visa to study longer than 3 months (long-stay visa), pursuant to section 3 of the Code of Entry. Quite often, when you get the refusal to your student visa in France, the embassy would not give you “detailed information”, as to why they arrived to refuse your visa application. Although, they will issue a letter where it indicates the generic “grounds” as to declined your visa application for long-stay to study in France and some of which are the following:
- If the travel documents or any documents or informations included/provided to your visa application is misleading or falsified- considering that your application will be examined and verified by the responsible consular authorities and therefore, if this is in anyway outlined in your refusal letter. It will be a best practice to check and recheck first all your documents prior or before resubmitting your application at the embassy nearest to your country of resident/citizenship or seek a second opinion to review your refused student visa application, as we may know filing an appeal is a bit costly and lengthy process though;
- If you have failed to provide proof for your sufficient resources while studying to France, and that “resources” were not legally explained or claimed in support to your visa application. Showing enough or more than enough of financial resources to cover your entire tuition fee, living cost and travel costs and etc., during your application for a long-stay visa to study in France would not constitute the “idea” that you are financially capable of studying and living in France temporarily – unless it is well supported with credible & verifiable evidentiary documents in terms of your sufficient resources, whether it is by your ownself means or from a sponsor(s);
- If you have not made any “justification” regarding your propose studies, as such how you have been admitted for the admission at the Institution in France, for the course you intend to study and how this will benefit your career and or your existing qualification in terms of “cycle of your studies”. It is recommended that for anyone who wishes to apply for a long-stay to study in France must have a “cover letter” to their visa application which would also bring up your “study plan”, that is reasonable enough to justify your intention to study;
- If you have provided insufficient evidence as to demonstrate that you will not abuse your student visa in France, this may vary depending on your individual circumstances, as the consular authority [embassy], would need to see enough evidence(s) for them to decide that your primarily purpose is to study and not to do something which will violate your visa conditions; in case they would consider granting your application for a long-stay visa to study in France;
- If there is an issue regarding the proof of “accommodation”,as you are an international student to study in France, whether someone will accommodate you while studying in France e.g., a friend, relative, sponsor or, if the institution will arrange for the accommodation- it must be genuine and reliable! Because the general provisions for entry admission to France for “Foreigners” must have a “proof of accommodation” to stay as the regulations stated therein Article L-211-1
- If you are identified as an individual which may pose a risk to public order, security and health AND if you are subject for prohibiting to return to a FRENCH territory
When you get the refused to your long-stay visa to study in France, you can always reapply and try to resolve of what was previously outlined to your refusal letter, get help on your visa application to France, with our nearly 10- years of engaging visa application and assistance ! Contact Visa Online Assistance by sending an e-mail at info@visaonlineassistance.com or visit https://www.visaonlineassistance.com for more information